¿Qué es la Capacidad Financiera?
Este video animado explica la importancia de la administración del dinero. Ya sea que estás planeando en comprar una casa, ahorrar para los estudios o empezar un negocio, Administrat tu dinero es el primer paso. La Capacidad Financiera te dirige en el camino a un seguro y sostenible futuro. Click here to watch video…
Read MoreWhat is Financial Capability?
Whether you are planning to purchase a home, save for educational expenses, or start a small business — good money management is an important first step. Financial capability helps to put you on the path to a sustainable financial future. Haz click aquí para ver video en español.
Read MoreConoce Tus Numeros Al Momento de Comprar Casa
Ser propietario de vivienda puede ser estresante, especialmente todos los cálculos y números a tener en cuenta. Este breve video animado analiza los componentes principales y las ecuaciones clave para comprar vivienda. Click here to watch video in English.
Read MoreKnow Your Homeownership Numbers
Homeownership can be a daunting set of calculations. This short animated video breaks down the main components of the key equations. Haz click aqu para ver video en español.
Read MoreSeven tips to manage your 2017 taxes
A national poll from NeighborWorks America found nearly half of the taxpayers across the country expect to use their 2017 tax refund to strengthen their financial situation by either paying off debt or saving for the future. Financial capability counselors from Community Housing of Wyandotte County (CHWC) are ready to help you make the best decision…
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